


Copper Niisüü LP is pleased to announce that in conjunction with our funding partners with the Government of Canada, energy retrofits are to be completed on the entirety of the White River First Nation owned capital housing stock.  These retrofits are projected to reduce overall home heating fuel usage within the community by over 10,000L per year and further reduce overall energy usage between 5-12%.  This project is the first of its kind within the Yukon and the Board of Directors and staff of Copper Niisüü LP are proud to bring this new opportunity to the North and are excited to see how further investments and advancements can be made to continue to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Our Contractors are still Hiring!

Saa/Se Energy visits Nelnah Bessie John School!

Saa/Se adds a new Dodge Ram Rebel GT to the Fleet!

Artwork Request for Proposals - NEW DEADLINE OF JULY 13, 2023 AT 4PM PDT

Our Contractors are Hiring!


Yukon Theatre, Guild Hall, White River First Nation receives $1M community space fund

Beaver Creek will have an outdoor gathering space, Yukon Theatre planning a performing arts stage

By Gabrielle Plonka, Yukon News (February 12, 2023)


White River First Nation’s Solar Project Aims to Reduce Reliance on Diesel Power

Solar power generated will replace more than 55% of the diesel generation in the community

By Chris MacIntyre, CBC News (December 6, 2022)

*Correction: Construction will begin in May 2023


ATCO and Copper Niisüü Initiate a New Electrcity Agreement to Underpin the Saa Sè Energy Project in Beaver Creek and Enhance Energy Autonomy for White River First Nation

“ATCO Electric Yukon (ATCO), a subsidiary of Canadian Utilities, and Copper Niisüü Limited Partnership (CNLP), have finalized a landmark Electricity Purchase Agreement (EPA) that will help the White River First Nation (WRFN) reduce their reliance on diesel power, achieve greater energy autonomy, and generate economic benefits for the next 30 years.”

ATCO (December 1, 2022)


Spring 2022 Solar Update

History & Facts

This is a project all residents of Beaver Creek can be proud of; the project is thought to be the largest one time diesel displacement project in North America! Renewable energy generation will reduce carbon emissions, provide long term economic stability, short term jobs, and improves energy security in our community. After 50+ years of diesel power generation, starting in 2024, Beaver Creek will produce over half of its own energy, shutting down noisy and polluting diesel generators 55% of the time. Solar will be the primary energy source and diesel will be relegated as a backup source of power.

Current Status

The design of the earthwork is complete and the work on site started in July and continues through this fall. The 1202 Motor Inn is providing the earthwork crew with catering and accommodations this summer - thank you Rita!

Invitational tenders will be released this summer for the equipment that will be shipped and installed in 2023, including a large battery (almost the size of a house!), solar panels, transformers and other equipment.

What’s Next

The work on site will shut down this fall while work in the background continues. Over the winter, equipment will be ordered and shipped, design reviews will progress, Solar Team will make preparations to finish the project in the summer and fall of 2024. In late 2023 the solar farm will start producing power for the community in whenever the sun shines.

In the summer of 2023, we will be looking for residents of Beaver Creek to assist with installing the solar panels and their bases. There will be a long-term work for a maintainer for this site.  This job opportunity will be available through CNLP once the project is nearing completion.


White River First Nation forges ahead with largest solar project in Yukon

“Several diesel-powered communities across the territory have looked to renewables to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and attain energy.”

By Julien Gignac, The Narwhal (May 14, 2020)

White River Development Corp brings supplies to Beaver Creek

“Development Corp. brings supplies to rural community.”

By Gord Fortin, Yukon News (April 7, 2020)


Another Yukon community lines up for solar power

“White River First Nation proposing solar farm in Beaver Creek to offset diesel use.”

By Mike Rudyk, CBC News (February 13, 2020)


Yukon tourism, First Nations, geoscience get $8.3M funding boost

“Money announced for 16 projects in Yukon, with potential to create 125 jobs, MP says.”

CBC News (April 18, 2019)