Industry Services

CNLP has joint venture partners (see Partners) who provide support services to mining, resource exploration, tourism, logistics, expediting, air transportation services, regional data mining and analytics, and regional firefighting services.  

CNLP establishes joint venture partnerships for all projects within the asserted traditional territory of the WRFN.

Current activities include:

  • General support services for Midnight Sun Drilling;

  • Logistics, expediting and transportation services through Small’s Expediting for K2 Gold Corporation and the Yukon First Nation Wildfire initiative;

  • COVID-19 freight services, through Small’s Expediting, of vaccine freezer storage to the traditional territory and other remote communities as needed;

  • Joint ownership in the purchase of a helicopter, leased to Capital Helicopters, for support services to CNLP joint ventures and tourism activities; and

  • Rental services of equipment for both the WRFN and Yukon Government tourism initiatives with the traditional territory.

Contact us.

(867) 633-5525

#115-411 Main Street. Whitehorse YT Y1A 2B6